import typing import pymysql class Database: __instance: 'Database' = None __client: pymysql.Connection = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls.__instance is None: cls.__instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls.__instance def __init__(self): self.__create_con() def __create_con(self): # TODO Set to environment variables. Use pydantic-settings self.__client = pymysql.connect( host='', port=3306, user='root', password='root', db='jde', charset='utf8' ) def __execute_cmd(self, wrapper, *args, **kwargs): with self.__client.cursor() as cursor: data = wrapper(cursor, *args, **kwargs) self.__client.commit() return data @classmethod def _fetch_all(cls, cursor: pymysql.cursors.Cursor, sql: str, *args) -> list: #todo research formatting input values in sql queries. Which type of args? cursor.execute(sql, *args) return cursor.fetchall() @classmethod def _fetch_one(cls, cursor: pymysql.cursors.Cursor, sql: str, *args) -> typing.Any: #todo research formatting input values in sql queries. Which type of args? cursor.execute(sql, *args) return cursor.fetchone() @classmethod def _execute(cls, cursor: pymysql.cursors.Cursor, sql: str, *args) -> None: #todo research formatting input values in sql queries. Which type of args? cursor.execute(sql, *args) def fetch_all(self, sql: str, *args) -> list: return self.__execute_cmd(self._fetch_all, sql, *args) def fetch_one(self, sql: str, *args) -> typing.Any | None: return self.__execute_cmd(self._fetch_one, sql, *args) def execute(self, sql: str, *args) -> None: return self.__execute_cmd(self._execute, sql, *args)