import { sendFile } from "@tinyhttp/send"; export * from "@tinyhttp/send"; import * as cookie from "@tinyhttp/cookie"; import { sign } from "@tinyhttp/cookie-signature"; import mime from "mime"; import { getRequestHeader, getAccepts } from "@tinyhttp/req"; import { vary } from "@tinyhttp/vary"; import { encodeUrl } from "@tinyhttp/encode-url"; import { STATUS_CODES } from "node:http"; import { escapeHTML } from "es-escape-html"; import { contentDisposition } from "@tinyhttp/content-disposition"; import { basename, resolve, extname } from "node:path"; const charsetRegExp = /;\s*charset\s*=/; const setHeader = (res) => (field, val) => { if (typeof field === "string") { let value = Array.isArray(val) ? : String(val); if (field.toLowerCase() === "content-type") { if (Array.isArray(value)) { throw new TypeError("Content-Type cannot be set to an Array"); } if (!charsetRegExp.test(value)) { const charset = "UTF-8"; value += "; charset=" + charset.toLowerCase(); } } res.setHeader(field, value); } else { for (const key in field) { setHeader(res)(key, field[key]); } } return res; }; const setLocationHeader = (req, res) => (url) => { let loc = url; if (url === "back") loc = getRequestHeader(req)("Referrer") || "/"; res.setHeader("Location", encodeUrl(loc)); return res; }; const getResponseHeader = (res) => (field) => { return res.getHeader(field); }; const setLinksHeader = (res) => (links) => { let link = res.getHeader("Link") || ""; if (link) link += ", "; res.setHeader( "Link", link + Object.keys(links).map((rel) => "<" + links[rel] + '>; rel="' + rel + '"').join(", ") ); return res; }; const setVaryHeader = (res) => (field) => { vary(res, field); return res; }; const setContentType = (res) => (type) => { const ct = type.indexOf("/") === -1 ? mime.getType(type) : type; setHeader(res)("Content-Type", ct); return res; }; const append = (res) => (field, value) => { const prevVal = getResponseHeader(res)(field); let newVal = value; if (prevVal && typeof newVal !== "number" && typeof prevVal !== "number") { newVal = Array.isArray(prevVal) ? prevVal.concat(newVal) : Array.isArray(newVal) ? [prevVal].concat(newVal) : [prevVal, newVal]; } setHeader(res)(field, newVal); return res; }; const setCookie = (req, res) => (name, value, options = {}) => { const secret = req.secret; const signed = options.signed || false; if (signed && !secret) throw new Error('cookieParser("secret") required for signed cookies'); let val = typeof value === "object" ? "j:" + JSON.stringify(value) : String(value); if (signed) val = "s:" + sign(val, secret); if (options.maxAge) { options.expires = new Date( + options.maxAge); options.maxAge /= 1e3; } if (options.path == null) options.path = "/"; append(res)("Set-Cookie", `${cookie.serialize(name, String(val), options)}`); return res; }; const clearCookie = (req, res) => (name, options) => { return setCookie(req, res)(name, "", Object.assign({}, { expires: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(1), path: "/" }, options)); }; const normalizeType = (type) => ~type.indexOf("/") ? acceptParams(type) : { value: mime.getType(type), params: {} }; function acceptParams(str, index) { const parts = str.split(/ *; */); const ret = { value: parts[0], quality: 1, params: {}, originalIndex: index }; for (const part of parts) { const pms = part.split(/ *= */); if ("q" === pms[0]) ret.quality = parseFloat(pms[1]); else ret.params[pms[0]] = pms[1]; } return ret; } function normalizeTypes(types) { const ret = []; for (const type of types) { ret.push(normalizeType(type)); } return ret; } const formatResponse = (req, res, next) => (obj) => { const fn = obj.default; if (fn) delete obj.default; const keys = Object.keys(obj); const key = keys.length > 0 ? getAccepts(req)(...keys) : false; setVaryHeader(res)("Accept"); if (key) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", normalizeType(key).value); obj[key](req, res, next); } else if (fn) { fn(); } else { const err = new Error("Not Acceptable"); err.status = err.statusCode = 406; err.types = normalizeTypes(keys).map((o) => o.value); next(err); } return res; }; const redirect = (req, res, next) => (url, status) => { let address = url; status = status || 302; let body = ""; address = setLocationHeader(req, res)(address).getHeader("Location"); formatResponse( req, res, next )({ text: () => { body = STATUS_CODES[status] + ". Redirecting to " + address; }, html: () => { const u = escapeHTML(address); body = `
${STATUS_CODES[status]}. Redirecting to ${u}
`; }, default: () => { body = ""; } }); res.setHeader("Content-Length", Buffer.byteLength(body)); res.statusCode = status; if (req.method === "HEAD") res.end(); else res.end(body); return res; }; const download = (req, res) => (path, filename, options, cb) => { let done = cb; let name = filename; let opts = options || null; if (typeof filename === "function") { done = filename; name = null; } else if (typeof options === "function") { done = options; opts = null; } const headers = { "Content-Disposition": contentDisposition(name || basename(path)) }; if (opts && opts.headers) { for (const key of Object.keys(opts.headers)) { if (key.toLowerCase() !== "content-disposition") headers[key] = opts.headers[key]; } } opts = { ...opts, headers }; return sendFile(req, res)(opts.root ? path : resolve(path), opts, done || (() => void 0)); }; const attachment = (res) => (filename) => { if (filename) { setContentType(res)(extname(filename)); filename = basename(filename); } setHeader(res)("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition(filename)); return res; }; export { append, attachment, clearCookie, download, formatResponse, getResponseHeader, redirect, setContentType, setCookie, setHeader, setLinksHeader, setLocationHeader, setVaryHeader }; //#